Top 5 Best Snacks for Back-to-Back Meetings

diet tips Dec 07, 2018

Does this sound familiar...stuck in back-to-back meetings from morning until evening? Wondering when you’ll get a chance to eat or even take a bathroom break? I’ve been there and I feel your pain! Be prepared for those crazy marathon meeting days and pack your snacks ahead of time. Here are my top 5 best snacks to keep on hand -- whether it’s your car, your purse or your desk!

  1. Hacked Snacks Protein Bites
  2. Power Crunch Bar
  3. Almonds + Apple
  4. Quest Tortilla Chips
  5. Turkey Lettuce Wrap

You’ll notice that these snacks are low in fat and high in protein. They will help keep you full and are only around 200-250 calories. For #1, #2 and #4, there are a variety of flavors and options.

Keep these on hand whether you’re stuck in the car driving or on a flight delay. When you don’t have options and you’re ravenous, that’s when bad food decisions happen!

What’s your favorite go-to healthy snack to keep on hand?


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