Movement: NEAT

When it comes to movement, one topic that I feel like isn't frequently covered is something called NEAT, which is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. NEAT essentially means all the activity that you do throughout the day, separate from your dedicated workout. So if you're weight training, if you have a cardio session - the calories burned during NEAT are completely separate from those workouts.

The beauty of NEAT is that it actually burns a higher percentage of calories than those dedicated workouts. Best of all, it's one of those things that you could just fit in throughout your day. If you're wondering "How do I increase my NEAT?" The easiest way is by walking. You can grab 10 minutes before work, 10 minutes during lunch. It's fitting in little pieces of movement throughout the day. It could be taking an extra walk when you go to get the mail. It could be parking farther away. You always hear "Park further away!" or "Take the steps instead of the elevator". That's how you...

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Movement: Weight Training

So when it comes to movement and workouts, you really want to prioritize weight training. Weight training is a great way to not only build muscle but it's gonna help with your mobility, it's gonna help prevent injury especially as we get older, we lose muscles as we get older. So you really want to make a focused effort to make sure you get enough protein, that you are lifting weights. If you're unsure where you'll get started, start with body weight workouts. So squats, push ups, pull ups. Those basics will set you up to be able to start getting into more weights using heavier dumbbells. That is really how you "get toned". Its not "getting toned", it's building muscle. And you really need to challenge yourself and lift heavy to do that.

So if those two-pound pink dumbbells don't feel like a challenge and you could quickly do reps, you really want to lift a weight where it is a challenge to get thru ten reps, eight reps because that is really how you build muscles. So I always tell...

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