Why Is It Important To Mindfully Eat?

Why is it important to eat mindfully? Well, there are a number of reasons. Obviously when you eat mindfully, it will help prevent emotional eating or stress eating. If you are mindful about the food that you're preparing and about to put into your body, you really think through. Am I hungry right now? What am I hungry for? When you're emotional or stress eating, think about if you want to have a bowl of broccoli or a bowl of potato chips. Obviously if you're not interested in eating fruits, vegetables, or something healthy, odds are that you're eating out of stress or boredom.

If you're emotional and stress eating, you'd want potato chips or pizza or ice cream or something that's going to be really satisfying and maybe not that healthy. So mindful eating is important to make good choices, right? Understand why you're eating because you should be truly hungry, plus eating slowly and mindfully will also help with your digestion. You're not going to rush through your meal. You're going to thoroughly chew each bite which aids digestion and helps prevent bloating.

It's also going to help your mind catch up to your stomach. So it typically take takes fifteen to twenty minutes to realize that you're full. So if you are rushing through your meal or you're not eating mindfully, like maybe you're on the computer doing work while you're eating, you won't realize how much you've eaten. Your mind won't be able to catch up with your stomach. To ensure proper digestion and to gauge your level of fullness, mindfully eat is key.


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